Introducing my new wildcrafted natural deodorant
I’m still tweaking this formula but it’s almost perfect. I wanted to only have a solid version in eco-cardboard-packaging (I’ve been told men prefer this because they have such hairy armpits🐵; is this the right analogy?!) BUT I am personally way more obsessed with much buttery version in a tin can! I also added magical ingredient that charcoal is to this natural deodorant recipe, for better detox and absorption, and it looks and works so so good. Also, for the fragrance, sandalwood and rose-geranium are absolutely amazing.
This is a 50g tin can and will last you a long time because you don’t need much.
For first time users, people who are trying to wean themselves off of aluminum products, please be patient and don’t give up. I know, the stinky detox period is… well, stinky… but so worth it. I know this because I’ve been through it. I basically smelled for couple of weeks, switching deodorants like crazy, but then the magic happened and my odour went away. You just have to stick to it and perhaps wash and apply twice a day. I guarantee you, you won’t regret this.
Once you go charcoal, you never go back!
#wildcrafteddeodorant #wildcrafted #deodorant #charcoal #bentoniteclay #diatomaceousearth #sandalwood #rosegeranium